

This is the Region2 page list. You can click the title to browse the detail information.
Region2 Postcode (ZIP)
Aba County/阿坝县 624600
Abaga Banner/阿巴嘎旗 011400
Abazhou/阿坝州 624000
Acheng City/阿城市 150300
Aheqi County/阿合奇县 843500
Akesu Prefecture/阿克苏地区 843000
Aketao County/阿克陶县 845550
Aksay Kazak Autonomous County/阿克塞哈萨克族自治县 736400
Alaer City/阿拉尔市 843300
Alashan League/阿拉善盟 750300
Alashanyou Banner/阿拉善右旗 737300
Aletai Prefecture/阿勒泰地区 836509
Alide Prefecture/阿里地区 859000
Alukeerqin Banner/阿鲁科尔沁旗 025550
An County/安县 622650
An Yi County/安义县 330500
Anda City/安达市 151400
Anding District/安定区 743000
Anduo County/安多县 853400
Anfu County/安福县 343200
Angren County/昂仁县 858500
Anguo City/安国市 071200
Anhua County/安化县 413500
Anji County/安吉县 313308
Anju Prefecture/安居区 629400
Ankang City/安康市 725000
Anlong county/安龙县 552405
Anlu City/安陆市 432600
Anning City/安宁市 650300
Anping County/安平县 053600
Anqiu City/安丘市 262100
Anren County/安仁县 423606
Ansai County/安塞县 717400
Anshan City/鞍山市 114005
Anshun City/安顺市 561000
Antu County/安图县 133600
Anxi County/安溪县 362400
Anxi County/安西县 736100
Anxiang County/安乡县 415600
Anxin County/安新县 071600
Anyang City/安阳市 455000
Anyang County/安阳县 455100
Anyuan County/安远县 342100
Anyue County/安岳县 642350
Anze County/安泽县 042500
Aohan Banner/敖汉旗 024300
Asan Yi Autonomous County/峨山彝族自治县 653201
Atushi City/阿图什市 845353
Awati County/阿瓦提县 843200
Bachu County/巴楚县 843800
